FOI Request Apprenticeships (3)

Request 101001637856

Please send me your response to the following questions:
1. On average, between the period of the 30th September 2016 – 1st October 2017,
a. What was your headcount of employees?
b. What was your headcount of apprentices?
c. What was your headcount of apprentices, that had a disability?
2. In the period between 30th September 2016 – 1st October 2017,
a. How many apprenticeship starts were made during this period?  
b. How many apprenticeship starts were made during this period by people that had a disability?
c. How many people applied for your apprenticeships, that had a disability?
d. How many people received interviews for your apprenticeships, that had a disability?
e. How many people were unsuccessful in securing your apprenticeships, that had a disability?
3. In the next year, do you have any plans to increase the number of apprentices you employ that have a disability?
3. Do you currently offer any support initiatives to help enable disabled people to access your apprenticeships?
4. If yes, what are these initiatives?

Gov.UK definition of disability - You’re disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.

What ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ mean

•       ‘substantial’ is more than minor or trivial, eg it takes much longer than it usually would to complete a daily task like getting dressed
•       ‘long-term’ means 12 months or more, eg a breathing condition that develops as a result of a lung infection

Gov.UK definition of apprentice - Apprentices are aged 16 or over and combine working with studying to gain skills and knowledge in a specific job.

20-10-2017 Request Withdrawn by Requester. Case Closed. 

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