FOI Request Christmas Decorations

Request 101001636450

What was the total cost for Christmas decorations in the council area in 2016?

What is the budget for Christmas decorations in 2017?

Response 03/11/2017

The Council incurred no spend directly for Christmas decorations in 2016.

There is no budget for Christmas decorations in 2017.


Beyond direct Council spending on Christmas decorations, some contributions have been made to Christmas decoration projects as detailed below:

The monies allocated by the Council from its Economic Development Projects and Programmes budget to the Moray Towns Partnership that have been used to support Christmas decorations.

Economic Development Projects and Programmes budget contributions to the Moray Towns Partnership used to support Christmas decorations: £0 for 2016

Economic Development Projects and Programmes budget Contributions to the Moray Towns Partnership used to support Christmas decorations: £4000 for 2017.

The Common Good Funds have made contributions to external organisations for Christmas lights/decorations.

Contributions to Groups for decorations/lights Christmas 2016: £5,600.

Estimated contributions to Groups for decorations/lights Christmas 2017: ££3,000


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