FOI Request MAPMF Files

Request 101001586484

I am looking for the following information, under FOISA, which I believe you hold:

With regard to the 2016-17 Money Advice Performance Management Framework (MAPMF), as provided at, please provide the file(s) your authority has provided to the Improvement Service.

Response 23-08-2017

This information is exempt under Section 27(1)(a)(ii) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002- Information due for publication within 12 weeks. The submitted information is due for publication in October on the above web site. 

The only information not provided in the published response is the name of the money advisor completing the return and their contact details:  Peter Adamson, Trading Standards Manager; the name of the externally funded provider: Moray Citizens Advise Bureau and the name of the case management system used by the money advice services: Advice Pro

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