Elgin Youth Cafe

Kate Armitage
01343 548300

Drop in for 11 to 18 year olds Tuesday (4pm – 7pm), Wednesday (7pm – 9pm) and Friday (7pm – 10pm).

Drop in for 16-24 year olds 1st and 3rd Monday of the month (7pm – 9:30pm)

A free of charge youth cafe open several nights a week, offering a safe place for young people to meet and socialise; a wide range of projects and activities for young people during evenings, weekends and school holidays. Projects include after school clubs, holiday activities, volunteering, work and training opportunities.

Stage 2 - work club, study space and award activities to increase confidence and skills. Work experience and work placements. Volunteering placements.

Stage 3 - work experience placements offered.

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