Action for Children

Sheila Erskine
01343 549557 / 07921 936778

Action for Children has seen through our services that even the most marginalised young people can develop workplace skills, aspirations and a desire to succeed, given the chance to prove themselves. Young people who are classed as furthest from the jobs market require flexible opportunities and are often the most keen to work, once opportunities are provided. The target group is 16+.

YES provides a 12 week programme working alongside young people and our partner Findhorn Foundation to provide a range of experiences to identify personal assets and strengths. There is there is the opportunity to gain a qualification, undertake a residential week on the Isle of Erraid and gain work experience at Findhorn. After the 12 week programme is completed, Action for Children will provide tailored support for 6 months to enable the young person to move to and be sustained in a positive destination.

Stage 2 - Action for Children Moray YES (Youth Employability Service)

Stage 3 - Action for Children Employability Programme

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