Transport Planning

Development Management and Transport Assessment

The planning system exists to regulate the use of land and buildings by granting or refusing planning permission. For some applications there may be a need to provide extra information and in some developments there is a need for a specialist report, for example on retail, transport, flood risk or noise. Whether a specialist assessment is needed will depend on the type of development and its location.

The planning authority consults the roads authority on planning applications that involve the formation of a new access (or alteration) or create an increase in traffic. The Transportation Service processes these consultations for the roads authority.

Further information may be required on any aspect of the transport relating to development to support a planning application including things like parking provision, visibility splays, transport statements and transport assessments.

For larger developments and those that create an increase in traffic a completed Transport Assessment Form (pdf) must be submitted by the developer to allow officers to consider the requirement or otherwise for further assessment. Developers are urged to carry out early consultation with Transportation prior to the submission of development proposals. If a Transport Assessment is required the scope should be agreed with Transport Development prior to submission.

Read further advice on the preparation of a Transport Assessment on the Scottish Government website.

Development proposals in Elgin may require use of the Elgin Traffic Model as part of a Transport Assessment. The Elgin Traffic Model is a macro simulation model, the extents of which cover the whole of the Elgin road network.
The model provides the facility to review the performance of the collective traffic system to check for changes in network performance and to determine the areas of the network where there would be an increase in traffic as a result of a development.
Early consultation with the Transport Development Team is advised to determine whether use of the Elgin Traffic Model is required. If use use of the model is required then a model access form must be completed and returned to Transport Development Team via email at

Section 48 Legal Agreements

Roads(Scotland) Act S48

The provision of S48 agreements allows the Roads Authority to enter into an agreement with any person willing to contribute to the construction or improvement of a road. Read a tabular summary of S48 agreements currently processed (pdf). The status of these agreements will generally be updated on a bi-annual basis.

Wind Energy

We have published Wind Energy Policy Guidelines in accordance with National Planning Policy Guidance. The guidance identifies preferred search areas within which wind farm developments may be suitable subject to the detailed criteria set out in the guidance and the policies of the Moray Development Plan.

Transportation Commuted Sums

A review of Transportation Commuted sum payments was presented in a report (pdf) to the Economic Development and Infrastructure Services Committee on May 3 2011. The Committee approved the recommended new commuted sum values. Read the minutes (pdf) from this meeting.

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