Litter - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I request a litter pick service on a main road?
Please contact us with details of the specific area/situation and we will investigate and clear. Roads and verges across the area are routinely swept and cleared.
I want to organise a litter pick - what help can I get?
Our waste team will be happy to provide litter pickers, gloves and bags for you to use if available. We will also arrange to have the rubbish uplifted following your litter pick.
Just contact us to make arrangements.
Please note that the waste team require at least 2 weeks notice for booking litter picking equipment as the equipment is subject to availability.
Are biodegradable things like apple cores and banana skins considered to be litter?
Litter is waste that has been created by you and is left lying around in a public place. Biodegradable items, including breadcrumbs, are considered to be litter and you can be prosecuted for dropping them in a public place.
Can I be prosecuted if my child drops litter and I don't pick it up?
Yes, you are responsible for picking up your child's litter. You can be prosecuted if your child's litter is not responsibly disposed of.
Do I have to provide stub-out bins for people smoking outside my premises?
You are not legally obliged to provide stub-out bins. Environmental Health encourages their use to prevent litter and reinforce that your premises are no smoking. In some instances, you will need planning permission to provide a stub-out bin.
Is it a crime to drop litter and is there a penalty?
Yes. You can receive an on the spot fine of £80 but if the case goes to court, you could be liable to pay up to £2,500.
Is it illegal to drop a cigarette butt?
The act of dropping and discarding a cigarette end in a public place is littering. If you are guilty of this offence you will be liable to pay an on the spot fine of £80. If the case goes to court the fine can reach up to £2,500.
What is the most common litter?
Litter from smoking, including cigarette ends and packets. Drinks containers, sweets, crisps and fast food are also very common.
How can I report vandalism of a litter bin?
Please contact us to advise where the vandalism has taken place. The bin will be inspected and repaired/replaced.
How can I report broken glass on the street/pavement?
Please contact us to advise the location of the broken glass. We will then inspect and remove it.