Non-Domestic Rates - Paying the Bill

General Information

The Revenues Section issues each Non-Domestic Ratepayer with a Bill at the start of each financial year i.e. 1 April.  It states the amount to be paid and the date by which it should be paid. It also lists ten instalments, should you prefer to pay your bill by this method. If your circumstances change during the year, we will issue you with an amended bill, notifying you of the revised sum payable.

If you are having difficulty paying your Non-Domestic Rates bill please go to our Recovery page.

Direct Debit

If you want to pay by Direct Debit all you need is a Bank or Building Society account. The advantage is you will not have to remember to pay every month, the money is automatically deducted from your account. If you decide to use this method of payment we will write and tell you the amount you will pay and the dates these payments will be paid on. The standard Direct Debit instalment plan will collect your instalment on the twenty-first day of each month, May to February, over ten months. There are a number of Direct Debit plans available to ratepayers and these are detailed below.

  • monthly - on the 21st day, May to February;
  • quarterly - payments on 21st May, 21st August, 21st November and 21st February;
  • six-monthly - payments on 21st May and 21st November;
  • annually - payment on 21st September.

If your instalment date falls on a weekend or a bank holiday, it will be collected on the next available banking day.

If you would like to pay your Non-Domestic Rates bill by direct debit you can download a Direct Debit Instruction Form (PDF). Please complete the instruction and return it to the freepost address shown on it - please do NOT send it to your bank - so we can set up your direct debit.

Online Payments

Payment of Non Domestic Rates can be made via online payments  . This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Payment can also be made online for the following Council services: 

  • Council Tax
  • Community Charges 
  • Rent
  • Moray Council Invoices
  • Housing Benefit Invoices
  • Housing Benefit Overpayments
  • Tenants' Insurance.
  • Miscellaneous Moray Council Invoices
  • Garage Rents
  • Garage Sites

If you intend to use this service you should have a note of your Non Domestic Rates account reference (found on your bill) and a valid credit or debit card.  You should also have a pen and paper, so you may note the reference number provided to you at the end of the transaction.

Automated Telephone Payments 

This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and may be accessed by calling 0300 123 2678.  The following bills and invoices may be paid using it: Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rates, Housing Rents, Housing Benefit Overpayment and Tenants Insurance.  If you wish to use this service you should have a note of your Non Domestic Rates account reference (found on your bill) and a valid credit or debit card. You should also have a pen and paper, so you may note the reference number provided to you at the end of the transaction.

Internet Banking

If making a payment by this method, using your bank's service, you must quote the Moray Council's bank's sort code 80-06-66 and bank account number 00111513.   

The international banking details are IBAN GB17 BOFS 8006 6600 1115 13.  

Please also ensure you quote your Non-Domestic Rates account reference, as shown on your bill.

Standing Order

You can also pay by Standing Order, to do this you must tell your bank the correct amount to pay on the due date. The instalment-amount paid by standing order will change if there is an amendment to the amount of your Non-Domestic Rates that you have to pay and you must inform the bank of the change that must be made. If you would like to pay by standing order, you can download a Standing Order mandate (PDF).

Single Payment

If you intend to pay your Non-Domestic Rates bill in single payment (not by Direct Debit), you should ensure we receive it by 1 May of the year in which the bill was issued. Alternatively, if you prefer to pay by instalments, you should ensure they are paid by the dates stated on your bill.


You can pay by cheque by sending your payment to the address shown on your Non-Domestic Rates bill. Cheques should be made payable to 'Moray Council'. Please do NOT send cash by post. We will only send you a receipt if you ask for one. Please remember to write your Non Domestic Rates account reference number on the reverse of the cheque.

Contact Us

Non Domestic Rates Team
Council Offices
High Street
IV30 1BX

01343 563456

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