Children & Families, Criminal Justice
Children & Families and Criminal Justice
* Currently in transition from Moray Council to Moray Integrated Joint Board (MIJB) *
Sean Coady, Depute Chief Officer, Health & Social Care Moray (MIJB)
Jim Lyon, (Interim) Head of Service & Chief Social Work Officer
Justice Service |
Social Work |
Corporate Parenting & Commissioning |
Criminal Justice
- Statutory SW service to courts
- Court reports
- Diversion
- Bail Supervision
- Structured Deferred Sentence
- Voluntary and Statutory Through Care
- Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangement (MAPPA)
- Drug Treatment and Testing Order (DTTO)
- Moving Forward Making Changes (MFMC) group work programme
- Supervision of Community Payback Orders including supervision requirements and unpaid work
- Court support
Oohs SW
- Dealing with out of hours social work queries
- Appropriate Adult duties
- Mental Health Detentions
- Child Protection Duties
Youth Justice
- Service to young people under 18 who have offended or on the cusp of offending
- Early and Effective Intervention (EEI)
Community Justice
- Community Justice Strategy for Moray
- Community Justice Outcome and Improvement Plan
Area Team: Provision of targeted support for families in Moray:
- Multi-agency Assessment of need and risk for children and their families
- Planning with families the provision of resources and support to meet with families the provision of resources and support to meet identifies outcomes
- Support for looked after and care experienced children and young people and their families
- Completion of statutory reports on request from the Children's Reporter and Sheriff Court
Access Team Entry point for referrals / requests for support for children and families in Moray.
- Direct contact with the public and other agencies in response to request for support and assistance
- Multi-agency initial assessment of need and risk for children and their families
- Initial planning with families the provision of support to meet critical need
- Joint working with Police to undertake child protection enquiries and investigations
Cala: Residential care for looked after children and young people
Placement Services
- Recruitment, retention training and supervision of carers in the Registered services for (i) fostering
(ii) adoption and (iii) supported lodgings for care leavers
- Provision of a statutory through care and after care service for care experienced young people
Statutory pathways assessments and support
- Continuing care service for care experienced young people.
Statutory welfare assessment and support
- Kinship care –
provision of assessments, training, support and approval processed for formal kinship carers
Commissioning for key services within Moray of services for children and their families
Procurement of and contacting with a range of service providers both within and out with Moray for the provision of services to meet need at a preventative early engagement level through to specific and targeted provision of care/ community resource including advocacy services
Contract management and monitoring of contracted services
Engagement with SXL frameworks
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