Volunteer Stories
Social Buddy: Tom and Stan
Stanley and Tom have become good friends through volunteering. Tom (91), who lost his wife and was feeling isolated. 'It has been a great benefit to me and has helped me enormously'. Stanley (81), our volunteer: 'Volunteering has exceeded my expectations, while helping someone else it has helped me too. I would recommend it to anyone'.
Exercise Buddy: Fiona and Ann
Ann works but finds time to support Fiona going for walks, to the gym and swimming once a week. Fiona: ‘ I feel fitter and healthier after a year with Ann. Having her company and support means I can walk faster and know I am in safe hands when in the gym and at the swimming pool. Training is vitally important for a volunteer to be able to support me in the best way possible due my visual impairment’.
Snooker Buddy: Tom and Kenny
Time spent with Kenny provides respite and reassurance for Tom's family that he is safe and being supported to do an activity he enjoys. Kenny also benefits from volunteering as a way to improve his own mental health. Kenny is now a champion and trainer with the Moray Well Being Hub.
Admin Support Buddy: Jenna
The experience of working in an office environment has added to Jenna's learning at college and enabled her to add training to her CV. 'As a 17-year-old, it is very difficult to gain experience to go with the qualifications I completed at college. Volunteering has given me confidence and the necessary experience and training. I am now working in an office type apprenticeship scheme.'
Gardening Volunteers: Paul, Tom and David
Paul supports Tom and David who have learning disabilities using his gardening knowledge. He uses his communication skills to increase their understanding of growing vegetables, etc. This comes with the added benefits that the produce from the raised beds they have created are used in the kitchen at the Resource Centre in Elgin. Service can use this area to grow what they would like.

Buddy/Alarm Responders: Moray Council Staff Members
Leading by example! Our staff who volunteer as buddies and/or alarm responders.