Cooper Park

The grounds of Grant Lodge, Cooper Park was gifted to the town of Elgin by Colonel George A Cooper for use as a public park alterations to the layout of the park were made by architect Marshall Mackenzie in 1902. The opening ceremony took place in August 1903. 

  • Car parking available 
  • Formalised landscaping 
  • Biblical garden 
  • Boating pond - summer opening (closed at present for Flood Alleviation works) 
  • Riverside walks 
  • Play equipment 
  • Seating 
  • Tennis courts 
  • Bowling green - community run facility 
  • Cricket pitch and pavilion - home of Elgin Cricket Club - bookable through Sport and Leisure Section 
  • Library and art gallery

Play equipment available

  • Cableway
  • Climbing frame
  • Embankment slide
  • Hurricane swing - 2 button seats
  • Multi unit
  • Springer x2
  • Swing - 1 bay, 2 cradle seats
  • Swing - 4 flat seats
  • Train
  • Trim trail

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