FOI Request - RIPSA

Request 101000058123

I am writing to obtain information about this local authority’s use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA).

To outline my query as clearly as possible, I am requesting:

1. How many times has this local authority authorised operations or investigations under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (Ripa) in the periods:

a) 1st December 2008– 30th November 2009?
b) 1st December 2009– 30th November 2010?

c) 1st December 2010– 30th November 2011

In each instance, please state the nature of the offence (e.g. graffiti, fly tipping etc).

Please also provide details of how many resulted in prosecutions and convictions.

Please note I am not asking for details of the defendants or the case itself.


Response 16-04-2012

01/12/08 - 30/11/09 : 4 authorisations re 3 investigations. Investigations related to  egg deliveries, a local caravan park and Tobacco and Age Restricted Gaming Software Test Purchase.

01/12/09 - 30/11/10 : 3 authorisations re 3 investigations related to underage sale of petrol, underage sale of spray paints and vehicle purchase.

01/12/10 - 30/11/11 : 1 authorisation re underage sale of tobacco.

Additional information from Trading Standards can be found here

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