Housing Options Guide 3c

3c. Energy assistance

Making a private rental property more energy efficient will make it more attractive to new tenants.  It will also increase the rating on your property's Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) which will help your property meet minimum energy efficiency standards. 

An energy efficient home lowers the cost of bills, and a warm home to live in increases tenant satisfaction and reduces ill health as a result of cold and damp. When a household cannot afford to heat their home to an adequate temperature, this is called fuel poverty.  It is our aim to eradicate fuel poverty in Moray.  You can find more information on fuel poverty on our dedicated webpage.

There is often funding to help private landlords with energy improvements. Home Energy Scotland's website has a funding finder tool which you can use to search for funding and support. Their website provides information on interest free loans for a range of energy saving initiatives.  It also gives details of grant funding that can help with energy efficiency improvements such as new heating or insulation. 

You can find more information on how to get help with energy bills at mygov.scot.

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