Elgin Academy

Elgin Academy moved into its new premises in April 2012. It was built for a school capacity of 1050 pupils, with teaching and learning facilities for all subjects currently taught in the curriculum and with flexible provision to allow for different forms of teaching and future development of the curriculum. The assembly hall is adjacent to the dining area which becomes a large flexible social space for school or community use. A well-equipped pupil support department is provided, and a multi-disciplinary area is located close to the main entrance, as is a dedicated community space. Indoor sports facilities include a large Games hall, gymnasium, dance studio and fitness room, while outdoor facilities include a full size floodlight 2G synthetic pitch, two grass pitches and a six lane grass running track. In the heart of the school is a secluded and protected terraced inner courtyard. Provision is made for good access to the school on foot, by cycle or by bus or car, and school transport is able to drop off and pick up pupils such that they can safely walk to the school without crossing vehicle routes. There is good provision for parking for staff and visitors’ cars, and secure storage for cycles.
Further information
View catchment area
Download school handbook Paper copy available on request from school
School roll numbers
Inspection reports - Education Scotland