St. Peter's RC Primary School

Head Teacher
Mrs Lesley MacLennan (Acting)
37 St Peter's Terrace Buckie AB56 1QN
01542 831339
01542 835867
Web Address

Site Currently Being Updated

Parent Council

St Peter’s Primary School was built in 1864 on a site gifted by Sir William Gordon of Letterfourie, adjacent to St Peter’s Church. The original single classroom has been added to several times over the years. Our classrooms are spacious and well equipped to meet a modern curriculum. We also have a library, a general purpose room, a learning support base, a hall and several resource rooms. To the rear and side of the building there is an enclosed, walled playground providing a secure play area for the children. At the top of the playground we have a children’s play park enclosed by a fence. The play park comprises of a soft surface with a swing, slide and climbing frames. The school also enjoys occasional use of the adjacent church grounds by kind permission of Father Gerry Livingstone.

Further information

Download school handbook Paper version available on request from school
Inspection Report - Education Scotland

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