FOI Request - Lamppost Banners

Request 101002636717

1. Do you currently permit lamppost banners in order to communicate Council messages?
2. If so, which organisation provides these for you?
3. Are you tied into an exclusive agreement with any supplier and if so, when does it expire?
4. When the agreement expires are you planning to go out to tender for these services and if not, why not?
5. What do you currently pay, per banner for the print and installation?
6. Are you looking to open out any scheme to accept commercial advertising in the future?
7. Would you be interested in using your lampposts to display Covid information messages?
8. Were you aware that Lamppost Banners Ltd, trading as offers these services and its bracket system is manufactured in-house and is approved by UK lighting engineers?
9. Who is the main contact and what are their contact details for queries relating to installing council messages on lamp columns, or who would deal with it if this is something the Council is not currently doing?

Response 07-12-2020

1. No.

2. N/A.

3. N/A.

4. N/A.

5. N/A.

6. N/A.

7. No.

8. No.

9. N/A.

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