EIR Request - Elgin Flood Alleviation Scheme Compensation Claims

Request 101002632887

Please confirm the following in respect of compensation claims received by MC pursuant to s11 of the 1961 Act in respect of the EFAS:

1. What budget was fixed by MC in respect of anticipated compensation claims in respect of the EFAS?

2. In total, how many compensation claims have MC received in respect of the EFAS and what is the total value of claims paid out in respect of by MC in relation the EFAS pursuant to the 1961 Act? Please provide a full summary of all claims received including: (a) who they were received from (including the location within Elgin); (b) when they were received; (c) the value of the claim submitted; (d) whether or not the claim was paid out by MC (in full or in part); (e) the value to which MC paid out in respect of that claim; and (f) when MC paid out in settlement of each claim.  

Response 01-12-2020

1. £10M

2. 43 total claims at £7.425M

Compensation settlements are recorded in the Registers of Scotland and are publicly available via the Registers of Scotland. This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 'information otherwise accessible'. 

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