FOI Request - Direct Payment

Request 101002519790

1) Has anyone requesting a financial assessment (means test for care) either face to face or remotely (e.g by phone or online) between 01.03.2020-29.05.2020 been refused an assessment due to lack of capacity during the Covid-19 pandemic? If so, how many have been refused, and if possible, please could you provide the details of the assessment and grounds on which it/they were refused. Please do not worry about providing details if it is not possible to do so within a reasonable time frame.
2) What is the maximum weekly amount paid by the council to any individual under the Direct Payment scheme for the care of a relative between 25.12.2019 - 25.02.2020, or any other dates that conform roughly with this time period if the above dates are not possible?
3)What is the maximum weekly amount paid by the council to any individual under the Direct Payment scheme for the care of a relative between 25.02.2020 - 25.04.2020 or any other dates that roughly conform to this period if the above dates are not possible?

Response 29-06-2020

1) No. No one has been refused due to capacity.

2) £2922.02

3) £3013.04

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