FOI Request - Link Care

Request 101002378675

1. The number of Link Carers
2. The number of children and young people supported
3. If the Link Carers are retained
4. If the Link Carers are dual registered i.e. registered to also provide respite to children & young people in foster placements
5. The content of Link Carer agreements
6. Detail regarding Link Carer payments
7. Impact of the services on other Short Breaks Services
8. Where the Link Care Service sits e.g. within Children with Disabilities or Fostering
9. The impact the Link Care Service has on Fostering, Children in Care and Children with Disabilities
10. If the LA be willing to work with neighbouring authorities
11. If the LA would be willing to utilise Link Carers from other LAs
12. How Link Carer payments compare with Direct Payments rates
13. If the LA offer overnight DPs/policy and procedure for overnight Direct Payments
14. The focus of the Link Care service in terms of the cohort of children and young people - age, complexity of need

Response 18-02-2020

The Moray Council do not have any Link carers.

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