FOI Request - Social Care

Request 101002368687

1) a) How many people were waiting to receive an assessment for a care package on (i) 31 March 2019, and (ii) 31 December 2019?
b) How many of these people had a terminal illness?

2) a)  How many people were assessed for a care package in the financial year 2018-19?
b) How many of these people had a terminal illness?

3) a) How many people received a care package after being assessed in the financial year 2018-19?
b) How many of these people had a terminal illness?

4) a) Do you have a policy for prioritising people receiving care packages?
b) Does this policy include people who are terminally ill?

5) How many people died, in the financial year 2018-19, (i) while waiting to receive a care assessment, and (ii) while waiting for a care package to commence after having an assessment?

6) a) What is the (i) average, and (ii) longest, period of time people with a terminal illness had to wait for a care assessment after requesting one during the financial year 2018-19?
b) What is the (i) average, and (ii) longest, period of time the people identified in question 6) a) had to wait between the completion of their assessment and receiving the service?

7) How many people with a terminal illness accessed self-directed support in the financial year 2018-19 under (i) Option 1; (ii) Option 2; (iii) Option 3; and (iv) Option 4?

8) a) What was the total budget for self-directed support in each of the financial years 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19?
b) How much of the allocated budget was used in each year?
c) Was this budget ring-fenced for self-directed support?
Please note, for the questions referring to the number of people with a terminal illness, if this information is not recorded directly please use the number of people in receipt of a DS1500 form.

Response 13-01-2020

Please find the requested information attached here

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