FOI Request - Council Tax

Request 101002364705

Under the Freedom of Information Legislation please provide answers to the questions below for the years 2007/8 till 2019/20 (to date) inclusive. It would be most helpful and very much appreciated if the information could be supplied by completing the attached spreadsheet. This request is being made to all Scottish Councils.

1. Number of properties eligible to pay Council Tax?
2. Total Council Tax Billed?
3. Number of Final Demand Letters Issued?
4. Number of Summary Warrants for Council Tax granted?
5. Number of Summary Warrants for Council Tax cancelled?
6. Cost of Summary Warrants for Council Tax?  
7. Number of Sequestration Petitions for Council Tax?  
8. Number of Sequestration Awards for Council Tax?  
9. Number of DAS Applications where council was a creditor?
10. Number of DAS Applications council voted against?

Clarification sought 13-01-2020

Information requested was for each year end. 

Response 04-03-2020

Due to the database continually changing no information was retained relating to the questions asked, and we are not able to retrospectively look back at the system status at those "end of year" points.

This information is therefore exempt under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information Not Held. 

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