School Attendance and Absence

We place a high value on pupil attendance and demonstrate our commitment to improving school attendance by:

  • Ensuring statutory requirements are met
  • Providing effective co-ordination of services to children
  • Ensuring relevant policy, procedures, systems and support are in place

Regular attendance in school is a priority because of its impact on teaching, learning and levels of attainment. There are proven links between regular attendance at school and levels of pupil accomplishment.

It is the duty of every parent or guardian to provide efficient education for their child who is of school age (Education (Scotland) Act 1980, Section 30). Parents/guardians failing to do so make themselves liable to prosecution (Education (Scotland) Act 1980, Section 43) and a fine of up to £1,000, imprisonment of both.

We are required to record whether absence is authorised (eg. sickness, bereavement, religious observance) or unauthorised (eg. unexplained absence, truancy, family holidays during term time).

Contact Us

Council Office
High Street
IV30 1BX

01343 563374

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