Licensing and Licences

General Information

The Council's in house legal service deals with licensing. Our main functions concerning licensing include:

  • the management and administration of the Licensing Board.
  • the management and administration of Licensing under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982

The Moray Licensing Board and the Moray Council Licensing Committee are separate entities; the Board is also separate from The Moray Council.

If you would like to find out more about  the Licensing Board and Civic Government Licensing please use the links on the left.

Civic Financial Reports

Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF)

Civic Function Reports

Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF)

Licensing Compliance and Enforcement Policy (DOCX)


To read more about  Gambling, Liquor and Civic/Taxi licences use the links on the left.

Some licences are managed by other services:

View a full list of  Licences, Permits and Permissions

Use the Formfinder to find downloadable Application Forms and Guidance Notes.

After submitting your application please refer to the online facility to check and track your application. The application should appear there within a week. All licence applications are also specifically acknowledged.


Here you can find a list of current licensing policy that is open for public consultation:


In order to make a complaint about licensed premises or a licence holder please see the Complaints Procedure (PDF)

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